Forum Discussion

CHES's avatar
26 days ago

Employee Card Error

Good morning


I am about to do the payroll and with two employee cards, I am getting this error:

Can someone please help ASAP??


MYOB.Huxley.API.HuxleyApplicationException:  (DataNotUniqueError): More than one EmployeePayrollDetails exists for employeeId = 277


Kind regards


3 Replies

  • Hi Doreen

    Many thanks!  I can now access my employee cards :)

    Kind regards


    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi CHES,

      We're pleased to hear that you now have access to your employee cards. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to create a new post, and we'll be more than happy to help you out.


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi CHES,


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    I have run a fix on your company file and you should now be able to access the employee card files without any error.


    Feel free to post again anytime if you require further assistance. 
    If my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users in finding this information.


    Best regards,
