Forum Discussion

Katey's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Expiry Dates on Quotes

Is there anyway to set the default setting on the Expirty Dates on Quotes?   It's currently set at 7 days - I have to always manually change it.  It does not remember it on on the next quote and I can't find where to do it on the settings.   Very annoying to have to always make the change; rather than being able to set it the way I want to..



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  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Katey 


    Thank you for your post.


    At the moment the only available feature in settings is the payment terms. The feature to set a default for the expiry dates is not yet available. We appreciate and valued your suggestion/feedback. We'll relay your idea to the relevant team. You are also welcome to post and share your ideas to our MYOB Business/Essential Idea Exchange for consideration by our developers.


