Forum Discussion

Rebecca711's avatar
Experienced User
27 days ago

Inventory Count Sheet - add Columns

Is it possible to add a column for the BIN numbers on this sheet?

7 Replies

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Rebecca711 , the Count inventory report doesn't have an option for bin numbers. Are you using locations for bin numbers? 

    • Rebecca711's avatar
      Experienced User

      Does anyone have a solution or work around.  We will be using the Count Invetory sheet "Live" for our end of year stocktake  but the items numbers are not listed in BIN order so have to search for items which is quite time consuming as to ensure data accuracy we have to search for the exact Item Number.  Have looked at exporting data but even more time consuming and worried when we import that we will have to check items all items - we have around 5000 or more items.  Basically staff will use a printout stock sheet by BIN order, and manually tick off or adjust then give to admin to enter Live onto MYOB Accountright Count Inventory and I cannot seem to find a way to make this an easy option for our admin to data enter.  I am not even considering data entering onto excel spreadsheet as the Item Numbers when you go into Count Inventory are all over the place, our Item Numbers are all numeric to match up with our supplier Item Numbers so cannot change.  Help would be appreciated.  Thank you

      • JITP1's avatar

        I have just set up the same sort of thing not knowing how difficult it would be to filter the reports.

        I have set up locations with the Primary Location called 'Warehouse - Picking Locations' with a location also set for 'Display' and separate locations for our 'Bulk' items (Aisle E and F in our warehouse).


        To stop the stocktake report crashing, I set up individual custom reports in Inventory for WH, Display and Bulk locations (there are 45 bays in bulk) to run separately, with display and bulk hiding zero quantities. Since the Display items don't move or change, and bulk has to be manually moved in MYOB when stock is being physically moved in the warehouse to a pick location, this means we now only have to actually count Aisles A-E at stock take. 


        Hope this helps give you an idea on a work around!

    • Rebecca711's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi James, hopefully last question, can I search by bin only when entering on the count sheet.  Control +Shift+F allows search but can only search part number of name

      • Mike_James's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Hi Rebecca711 , there's no option to search by location, sorry to say.  Locations are mainly intended for use as separate locations, eg warehouses in one or more suburbs/cities. Reporting and transaction support is fairly basic.


        Managing bins is probably quite complex due to the number of different bin numbers.



    • Rebecca711's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi James, yes we are using locations for bin.  I am trying to make this process as easy as possible - Print list by Bins, someone then data enter quantity easily using this sheet and not have to search parts.  I need list to reflect exact order of Location/ Bin Sheet