Forum Discussion

Makka22's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Deleting an Invoice

Hi   Would you please advise why, when you want to delete an invoice, you have to close the screen before it in order to do so.  This has only just changed and it's a nuisance.    Thanks :)
  • Komal_S's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Makka22 

    Please find the complete steps below :


    1. Open your Start Menu

    2. Start typing: %localappdata%

    3. Open the %localappdata% folder when displayed:

    4. Open the MYOB Folder

    5. Open the AccountRight Folder.

    6. Open the Version folder (E.g: 2019.2) 
    Note: AccountRight 2021.1 or later versions will show as Current.

    7. Open the Cache folder

    8. Delete all files in this folder.


    Once these files are deleted, re-open AccountRight and try performing the operation again.