Forum Discussion

Lisapapa1173's avatar
Contributing User
31 days ago

Personal Credit Card


Just wondering if could claim an interest charge and annual fee as expenses for a personal credit card which used for business.

2 Replies

  • DuncanS's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    You may need to apportion if the Credit Card also used personally.



  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Lisapapa1173,


    Thanks for your post. It's not explicitly stated whether you can claim an interest charge and annual fee as expenses for a personal credit card used for business. However, generally, if these expenses are directly related to the running of your business, they may be considered business expenses. It's important to note that the rules can vary depending on specific circumstances and tax laws. Therefore, I would recommend consulting with your accounting advisor for a more specific guide about this.


    Please feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 


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    Kind regards,