GlobalP's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Sales: Reimburse - Set default general ledger code

1.  There is no way to set a default GL account in the system to which reimburseable expenses can be posted.  It means you manually have to drill down in the select box (starting with assets at the top), find the revenue account, and select it.  A system-wide default GL account that the user could select would eliminate the need for this, plus provide better data entry accuracy.  This could be one system wide GL account (for simple transactional work), or the GL account could be set up, and linked to, the actual Job number (ie a separate GL Revenue account for reimburseable expesnes assigned to each Job number);


2.  There is no way to set a system wide defualt mark-up rule for reimburseable expenses.  Again, there would usually be a company policy to mark-up expenses by the same % each time - so getting the option of a system wide default would also be a feature to have.  Or again, setting up what the mark up default would be by job number allowing each job to have a different automated mark-up amount.


3.  Finally (and more complicated than the above rather simple solutions), it currently is not possible to use a different mark up rule for each line item on the same client invoice - so if you have two reimburseable expenses to mark-up, they cannot be marked up by different rules, as once you attempt to do the second transaction, the first one reverses to the newly chosen one and over-writes it.  Less of a concern, as you can always do two invoices for the client, but that is not as efficient.


This is actually a crititical part of our business, and as we 100% decentralise our client invoicing to persons in the field across Australia (who are not accounts trained), and we use reimburseable expenses for all clients as each contract allows for expenses such as travel to be charged back with a 15% mark-up, it means that for both the GL account selection and the markup creation, the risk of data entry errors is multiplied by the number of persons doing the data entry and having to manually selct options.


A simple system-wide default for GL A/c and mark-up would be a great starting place


"Reimburseable expenses lacking simple automation features"


  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thank you for your idea, we encourange anyone else that would like to see this in AccountRight to click on the Voke+ button. 

  • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    You might also consider setting-up non-stock Items in the Inventory command centre, to track your reimbursables.


    Items are often used to sell services or to handle reimbursable expenses (e.g. when marked IBuy and I Sell) and you can set your markup rate - or even have different items, with difference rates.

    They can even used for service time-billing - e.g. by allied health professionals.


    A local Certifed Consujltant can do this for you, for a very reasonable rate

    - you can find one here - Search for an MYOB Partner