Montagu's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Export to Excel: Remove account number indentations

We recently upgraded to live version, 2016.  In previous version 19 we were able to send reports with account codes to Excel without "indentations" and existing vertical lookup formulas worked well.  NOw, however, it sends them with "indentations" which are unable to be got rid of easily.  I feel that reports being sent to Excel should go with very little formatting, and certainly not these "indentations".  I am awre that formulas can be written to remove them, but we shouldn't have to go to that trouble when it worked perfectly well with the old version. (see attached screen shots).


"Accounts codes transferring to Excel"


  • RoebuckMS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    What are the formula's to remove the indentation?  I am aware of =Trim(A1) etc.  But is there another?

  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi Everyone

    We are in development of a way in which to remove those account indentations from Excel spreadsheets templates used with AccountRight.

  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi Everyone

    With the release of AccountRight 2017.2 the account number and name indentation on reports sent to Excel have been removed.


    You can find out more information about this and other changes, including information on obtaining AccountRight 2017.2 from AccountRight 2017.2 now available