Forum Discussion

BenchCBS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

STP Report did not Generate for Payroll Reversal

I had to reverse a payroll because it was processed in MYOB on 1 Jan 2020 when it should have been 31 Dec 2019, (which meant I couldn't reconcile the bank account). The problem is that when the repor...
  • Tracey_H's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi BenchCBS 


    Thanks for your post.  The way STP reporting works is that only transactions recorded through Process Payroll are sent to the ATO.  As reversals aren't recorded through Process Payroll they won't be reported through STP.


    However, as mentioned by Monkey95 the ATO are only interested in the YTD amounts, which are corrected by the reversal.  This works the same if you delete a payrun, the payrun isn't deleted from the Payroll Reporting Centre or Business Portal but the YTD amounts are corrected when you send the next STP report.


    You can check the YTD amounts are correct by going to the Payroll Reporting Centre and clicking on the ... button for the most recent report and select Download report.


    Please let me know if you need further help.