Forum Discussion

Betabiz's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Fonts for customised invoice layouts

Arrrgh!!!  Im trying to tidy up some customised invoice layouts.  I didnt realise that the fonts in MYOB actually pull from the computer (in the same way the regional setting do).  HOWEVER, I have installed some fonts on my computer that I have downloaded from Google Fonts.  It appears the fonts have downloaded into a "folder" with the regular font being what is available in MYOB when I select to update the font.  But MYOB doesn't seem to be able to recognise the bold option of the chosen font.  On the customise screen its great, on the print preview, its great.  But when I print or PDF the invoice the bold font is not coming through.  I need the layouts to match the logo etc the graphic designer has created for them.

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  • Sean_DC's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Betabiz 


    Thank you for your post.

    If you try a different Google Font downloaded would it work? If it does, I suggest checking that certain font you used. Try downloading or setting it up again from your folders. 

    Let me know how it works so I can assist you further.