Forum Discussion

DJB's avatar
Experienced User
4 years ago

Shadow Lines showing in front of Column Lines

Please see attached.  I want the shadow lines to make it easier for warehouse staff to read

but it shows up in front of my column lines.


Any way to change that?  Thanks

  • Hi DJB 


    Row shading in AccountRight can be added to the table by opening the customise form through Setup>>Customise Forms, right-clicking on the required table, and selecting Show Row Shading. The row shading is applied to the whole line and would appear in front of borders added to the table.

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  • Hi DJB 


    Row shading in AccountRight can be added to the table by opening the customise form through Setup>>Customise Forms, right-clicking on the required table, and selecting Show Row Shading. The row shading is applied to the whole line and would appear in front of borders added to the table.

    • DJB's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks for clarifying.  Is there any simple way of adding lines to the picking slip under each item

      without drawing them in manually?  Just want to make it easier to read when there are a lot of line items.



      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi DJB 


        The only way that I could foresee you could do it would be to add in the lines using the line tool in the customise form similar to the following:



        However, you would need to be careful to ensure that the lines are spaced apart correctly as if not they would appear over the other lines.  You'll also need to be careful if the lines went over two lines on the form, as the lines are fixed, it would impact the look of the form.