Forum Discussion

KFardon1's avatar
5 years ago


We are finding errors with motor vehicle schedules using the log book method.


These are bing rejected with the warning:

Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.730001


Summary: Work related car expenses amount is incorrect.

Details: The Work related car expneses must equal the sum of all car expense amounts claimed in the Deductions schedule..


Apparently this issue was to be fixed in the 2019.0a release.  We updated our software to the new release and we are still having the same problem.


How can we fix this so we can lodge our tax returns?





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  • Hello KFardon1 


    Thanks for your question!


    The motor vehicle expenses schedule has certainly had a number of changes in the last few updates. I would recommend updating to the latest version (2019.0b), as I know there was still an outstanding issue in 2019.0a that was resolved in the latest issue.  Please test with your return, and if its still an issue then give the support team a call so they can work through the issue with you.