Hi all,
Over the last couple of months, we’ve been working on making some exciting changes to facilitate the ongoing use and growth of our forum.
Along with updating our logo, fonts and colour palette in keeping with the new MYOB branding, we’ve made some changes to the layout of the forum to make it easier for our visitors to navigate and make the most of it.
I’m really excited to share this with you and to take you through some of the key changes that we’ve made.
Mobile friendly
Our forum site is now fully mobile responsive! This means that you will now be able to enjoy the full community experience on any device.
Browse Community
It is now easier for you to access the various categories and boards from anywhere on the forum. Simply click on the Browse Community link in the Community header to see a pull-out menu with a listing of all the categories.
Partner Zone
We have created a new ‘Partner Zone’ button for MYOB Partners. The new button, located in the header, gives quick and easy access to all the exclusive partner boards.
User details
We’ve also made some changes to the User profile page. You can now click into your avatar to access your Profile, Settings, Statistics, Subscriptions and plenty more. If you have set up any Favourite boards, you will now see them within your user profile page.
As you can see we've done some major changes. So our team will continue to monitor the various aspects of the forum to ensure that all areas are performing as expected.
We hope that these changes make your time on our forum more satisfying and successful. We’d love to hear what you think. Please leave your feedback, below. Or, if you prefer you may also send me a Private Message or email to CommunityAU@MYOB.com. We welcome both positive and negative feedback.
Simplify Success!
Suja Pillai
Social Support and Community Manager
MYOB Australia Pty Ltd