6 days ago
Entitlements not accuring when staff take annual leave or sick leave
Since switching over to STP Phase 2; when staff take annual leave or personal leave, they do not accrue any leave entitlements.
In the payroll category list > Wages > Annual leave and personal leave is now OTHER PAID LEAVE.
But in the payroll category list > Entitlements > Annual Leave Pay and Sick Leave Pay BOTH accrue Percent of GROSS HOURS only.
I now need the annual leave entitlement to calculate 7.6923% on the percentage of GROSS WAGES AND OTHER PAID LEAVE.
How do I set up the entitlements to accrue not only on gross wages but on other paid paid leave?
Many Thanks.
Spoke to MYOB support, and this is now resolved by setting annual leave and personal leave up as GROSS PAYMENTS and not OTHER PAID LEAVE.