So what you are saying is that MYOB Teams was never designed to enable the breakdown of the hours worked to be allocated to jobs within MYOB web version. But if you bring up what has gone through the teams in the cloud version of myob, it does not give a line by line timesheet, it gives it all as one line, so you can't even edit the timesheet and put in the hours worked by job because you require a line per job number they can't be all on one line.
So this is not a feature that has a work around interface for the cloud version.
Is the timesheet version in cloud accountright able to be used by the employees? Does it give then start and finish times? or am I really looking at a rostering system with interface to myob?
this is important as i have a client whose staff are sent out to jobs and they may do 2 or 3 in one day and need to split their time between them and have it charge through MYOB to the Job Number with MYOB so we can look at the profitablity of each job to the budget given.
I look forward to your response.