Forum Discussion

nicole7247's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

reconciliation gone crazy

I have reconciled for January - printed a report, all good. The opening balance, total credits, total debits and Closing balance on my bank statements match the last reconciled balance, cleared deposits, cleared cheques and expected balance on statement of my report.


I am now trying to reconcile for February.  The last reconciled balance is now showing as a different amount, up by $110.26, my cleared deposits are correct, my withdrawals are up by $110.26, my expected balance on statement is correct.  When I check the transactions, two old transactions are showing, one from November (it appears in the November reconciliation as having been paid and reconciled), one from January (it appears in the January reconciliaton as having been paid and reconciled).


Do I have to undo several reconciliations to make this all accurate, or am I better off to just reconcile with those figures and make a note that the computer has glitched?  I think if I reconcile then the two old transactions will be cleared and March should be a back to normal reconciliation.


Is there any other way to fix this, rather than undo three months of reconciliation? 



  • nicole7247 


    Welcome to the MYOB Community Forum, I hope you find plenty of useful information.


    Normally for older trasaction to be showing up then someone has opend and modified those transactions in some way.

    I would enter the closing balance for January and the date of the last reconciliation, tick off the old transaction and see if that then reconciles. If it does then just reconcile and procede as normal.

    If not then you will need to unreconcile back to where those entries are and find out why they don't reconcile before you move on.


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  • GDay53's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    Welcome to the MYOB Community Forum, I hope you find plenty of useful information.


    Normally for older trasaction to be showing up then someone has opend and modified those transactions in some way.

    I would enter the closing balance for January and the date of the last reconciliation, tick off the old transaction and see if that then reconciles. If it does then just reconcile and procede as normal.

    If not then you will need to unreconcile back to where those entries are and find out why they don't reconcile before you move on.