Forum Discussion
Hi premierroses,
I hope this message finds you well. I would just like to check back with you regarding your concern you've recently posted about the payrun not showing on your STP reports to see if this issue has been resolved. Please let me know if you still need assistance with this. I'd be delighted to help you.
- premierroses2 years agoContributing User
I'm not sure at this stage!!
So in my payrun reporting there is a payrun for the 17/07/23 - 23/07/23 for $947.00 paid on the 24/07/23
but in my STP reporting there is no 17-23 date only 24/07/23-24/07/23 paid on the 24/07/03 for $0
So what the ATO advised that I owed when I did my quaterly PAYGW was $947.00 less in wages and $85.36 less in PAYGW.
I tried doing a $0 payrun but it didn't seem to update anything.
Any suggestions appreciated!!
- Princess_R2 years agoMYOB Moderator
Hi premierroses,
Thank you for your response.
We would like to help and address your concern effectively. We'll be reaching out to you via private message to request additional information about your concerns. Please keep an eye on your Community forum inbox. We'll continue to discuss your concern through that channel.
- 7 months ago
Hi Princess,
I'm having the exact same issues as the above threads and an Update Event did not rectify the issue. Can you please advise how I can go about fixing this?
Many thanks
- Richard10522 years agoExperienced User
I'm having the same issue.
I was new to MYOB and the first payrun did not go through smoothly. Submitted an update event twice on subsequent days after that payrun, which was way back in July and both times recorded as $0 amount for gross payments and PAYG withholding. But the attached YTD employee report from MYOB was correct. So, I thought it must have gone through even though event showed $0.
But... when I did the quarterly PAYG, the pre-filled amount was less so I manually adjusted it to match what I had in MYOB. Looks like the update did nothing and ATO is still missing the STP event. How do I fix this?
- Princess_R2 years agoMYOB Moderator
Hi Richard1052,
Thank you for your post.
I'm sorry to hear that you're also experiencing issues with the STP reports. If you've processed a pay in the current payroll year but the payment date is in the previous payroll year, the ATO will treat the pay as an update event, which will show as a $0 amount under the STP reporting center. This payrun will update the YTD totals and will still be reported to the ATO.
In your case, if the YTD verification report is correct, and the information from the ATO is incorrect when you report your quarterly PAYG. Then we'll need to dig deeper and request additional information to help address your concern effectively. We will also be reaching out to you via private message to gather more details about your concerns. Please keep an eye on your Community forum inbox, and we'll continue to discuss this through that channel.
- 11 months ago
I also have this issue for a payrun in March, did you resolve it? I have tried reversing the pays and redoing them, still $0 gross payments. I cannot find a fix for this on myob at all.
- Princess_R11 months agoMYOB Moderator
Hi KHPsych1,
Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community Forum!
To better assist you, could you please provide further details? Screenshots of your STP reports, payroll activity, and register report, as well as the year-to-date (YTD) verification, would be very helpful in identifying the difference that might be causing the issue. However, I would like to reassure you that if your STP reports are showing zero but the figures in your year-end verification report are correct, there should not be cause for concern as it's the year-end verification report that the ATO looks at.
Feel free to respond if you need further assistance.
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