Forum Discussion

laurentau's avatar
10 months ago

Associate 2 withdrawals and 1 deposit to the same bill (rental fee + bond fee + partial bond refund)



I rented a truck and made 2 transactions on the same day: 

- 400 Bond

- 141.43 for rental

Then few days later I got a partial refund on the bond: +348.50


My Bill is combining those 3 items has a total of 192.93 (as it's like this on the supplier invoice).


How can I associate those 3 transactions to the same Bill? 







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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi laurentau,,

    Thank you so much for your detailed post and welcome to the Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear that about the issue you've been having. I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue, and I do apologize for the delayed response. To fix this, I would recommend speaking with an accountant regarding this matter. But here are some ideas on how to link these three transactions to the same bill for better clarity and tracking, you can follow these steps:

    1. Create a Bill: Start by creating a new bill. This bill will serve as the record that combines these transactions.

    2. Enter the Bond Payment: On the bill, add an expense line for the bond payment of $400. You can categorize it appropriately, such as "Bond Payment."

    3. Enter the Rental Payment: Add another expense line on the same bill for the rental payment of $141.43. Categorize it as "Rental Payment."

    4. Enter the Bond Refund: Now, add a credit line for the partial bond refund of +$348.50. Categorize it as "Bond Refund."

    5. Adjust the Total: The bill's total should now reflect the combined transactions, which is $192.93 (bond payment + rental payment + bond refund).

    6. Save and Record

    Feel free to post again if you have further queries and one of us will be happy to assist you.