Forum Discussion

sarahh02's avatar
Experienced User
6 years ago

Setting up Annual leave for a salaried employee in MYOB Payroll 2019.1

Hi there,

i have a new employee started who will be paid monthly on an annual salary.  I understand the pay code should be set to days and that pay default quantity should be 21.75 days.  How do i ensure the Statutory holidays and Annual leave are recorded correctly for this employee?  I have read various threads but none appear to be related to this particular version of Payroll.  The options that have been suggested i don't have on my screen.

Thanks for your help. 



  • jenniek's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi sarahh02 

    You would adjust the SAL code amount by the $ amount of leave taken (whether that be sick leave of annual leave etc) - so that the total amount paid ids the same. However this would differ if the employee gets a bonus, or extra pay for some reason - which forms part of gross earnings. This will increase the average rate of pay for annual leave - so the employee could well be paid a bit more when he takes leave.

  • Hi sarahh02 


    Annual leave in New Zealand is paid out the average weekly earnings or ordinary weekly pay whichever one is higher. As such you want to ensure that the ordinary weekly pay is set up correctly i.e. you have the normal hours/days the employee works in the Pay Defaults/totals. It would also be good to ensure that you have the required amount of normal days a week the employee will work in the Leave details to ensure that the correct amount of days leave will be available for that employee (at their entitlement anniversary).


    Public holidays are based on whether they work or not during that pay and whether it's their normal day or not. NZ Payroll Support Notes: Public Holidays and employee entitlementsStatutory (public) holiday payments good ones to look into in regards to payment and what you should be paying in relation to those public holidays.

    • sarahh02's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks Steven_M so am i to understand that the annual leave is paid over and above the monthly salary, which is based on the 21.75 days per month that he will work.  Or am i to adjust the number of days he actually works by the amount he was on leave? 



      • jenniek's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Hi sarahh02 

        You would adjust the SAL code amount by the $ amount of leave taken (whether that be sick leave of annual leave etc) - so that the total amount paid ids the same. However this would differ if the employee gets a bonus, or extra pay for some reason - which forms part of gross earnings. This will increase the average rate of pay for annual leave - so the employee could well be paid a bit more when he takes leave.