Forum Discussion

oxley1's avatar
2 years ago

In Tray Spend Money Two Invoices



I am using the In Tray to attach invoices to a spend money transaction.


I have one payment made up of two invoices expensed to two different accounts, 

when I locate the supplier payment I can only attach one invoice.


Is there a way to attach more than one invoice to the payment ? 


Thank you



  • Hi oxley1 


    Thank you for your post. May I extend a warm welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    It is possible to have 2 documents attached to a Spend Money Transaction. This Help Article, Attaching documents to purchase transactions, will guide you on how to attach a document to a spend money transaction.



    Please feel free to post again. I'm happy to assist further.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users in finding this information.


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  • Sean_DC's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi oxley1 


    Thank you for your post. May I extend a warm welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    It is possible to have 2 documents attached to a Spend Money Transaction. This Help Article, Attaching documents to purchase transactions, will guide you on how to attach a document to a spend money transaction.



    Please feel free to post again. I'm happy to assist further.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users in finding this information.