Forum Discussion

Mathilda's avatar
Trusted User
3 days ago

Adjusting weekly entitlement accruals

Good Afternoon


One of our employees only work 32 hours per week instead of 38 (permanent part time) but when I change the accrual figures (pro rata) for one pay period on her card, all the others are also changing.  Please explain to me how I can change only the one so that the others remain on a normal 38 hour work week.  Thanks.

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Mathilda,


    To adjust the weekly entitlement accruals for a part-time employee without affecting other employees, you should create a new pay item specifically for the part-time employee's adjusted hours. This way, you can link this new pay item to the specific employee and apply the pro-rata accruals for their 32-hour workweek without altering the standard 38-hour accruals for other employees. This approach ensures that changes are isolated to the part-time employee and do not inadvertently impact other employees linked to the original pay item.




    • Mathilda1's avatar

      Hi Princess_R  - I am so confused.  I replied to this post of mine (had to check if there was any replies because I did not get an email) and  I even added an attachment, and when I heard nothing I went back to the post but my reply was not there.  I can't get into my profile at all (which I've had for five years).  I had to re-register to be able to post something or reply to a post.  So I have to re-post my next question again ...


      I created a new payroll category and named it Annual Leave Accruals - Part Time and I un-ticked the employee's name under the normal Annual Leave Accruals category and ticked her name in the new category.  But when I wanted to change the entry in the ..... (pro rata accrual) per payweek, it came up with the following message (see attached).  I did not proceed with it because I do not want anything to change with the previous figures.  Did I do something wrong?