Incorrect ABN for SMSF in MYOB
I've spent a few hours on this already and have followed advise provided in forums. I have an employee with a SMSF. They have provided the ABN (and I've checked 4 times now) and it is correct. Message from MYOB is that the ABN is invalid. I have the ESA so should be all good.
Please help!
Hi AwG1,
Thank you for your response.
I've further checked the Superfund ABN from the ATO Superfund Lookup, and I can see that the ABN for this fund is invalid as the fund's status is "Regulation Details Removed". This means the regulation details of this SMSF have been removed due to failure to lodger returns. The status needs to be "active" for us to process the payments associated with that fund. Therefore, this requires the fund to contact ATO and get the status changed.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you've got any questions or concerns in the future. I'm here to help.