StephenM's avatar
Experienced Partner
11 years ago

Bank Feeds: Allow file users access to download the feeds

Could bankfeeds be amended to allow users to download instead of only online administrators and owners. Invariably the user is the person doing the matching, approving etc and it makes no sense to not allow them to download the bankfeed


"Bank Feeds - Allow Users to download"

  • JKB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    With the latest updates to the User Access restrictions (which I think are fabulous) I cannot understand why when enabling full access to Bank Feeds users are then not able to get bank feed updates.  They can already view information that gets pulled in so how can limiting their ability to get new data be of any benefit?


    It is currently only possible on an administrator access which I dont wish to give my accounts manager as this is the only task she cannot do with the current access I have given her.  Perhaps "get updates" could be added as a tick box on the user access profiles?

    • Aaronp's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      I'm tipping this is an oversight as it makes no logical sense for a "bank feed" user to not be able to update the bank feed transactions...

  • Status removed:

    Hi StephenM 

    Thanks for your feedback in regards to the AccountRight Live program and in particularly downloading bank feed transactions. I would encourage other users that would like to see the feature for all users to download the bank feeds regardless of their AccountRight Live access in to vote and comment if required.

  • absolutely agree - users who have access to bank should have rights to download bank feeds.