FredV's avatar
10 years ago
Maybe later

Email: Ability to set senders email address for Outlook


the fact that Myob automatically uses Default email account in Outlook is totally wrong move.

Lets say that we have 5 email account in OUTLOOK, default is FRED@ and the one that I need to use for Invoicing is ADMIN@.


I am sending invoice via MYOB that will automatically use FRED@ in my Outlook. Does that make any sense? NO. It does not.

How hard would that be to configure MYOB to be able to set whatever account in my OUTLOOK will be the MYOB account?


I know that your answer is going to be this: You can set default ADMIN@ and when you use OUTLOOK without MYOB, you can choose your account FRED@ manually.

This would be very unproductive and very hard to manage.


The reason why you have to make the feature ,, CHOOSE OUTLOOK EMAIL ACCOUNT,, available is that people can use appropriate outlook email account with different email signatures. 99.99% companies have multiple emails.


Please let me know what you think....:-)

Have a good day



"Outlook Email Default for MYOB"