Every day we import sales data using the import/export assistant.
It would really save time if one could save some default settings.
So on the first page we alays have to click import data.
On page 2 we alwsys have to click sales and then service sales, and then we have to select the same file from the same location. (our excel macro that makes the data nice and friendly makes the same file in the same location each time)
On page 3 we have to change the first line contains to data
On page 4 we always click match all
On page 5 we click import.
It would save so much time if MYOB could remember just a few of these settings, or in preferences allow you to set some defaults so that you don't need so many clicks each import.
In AccountRight Plus Live 2013, although you can specify how to treat the imported data when importing customer data from a file, i.e. "csv" as the format, "don't import duplicate entries", and "match on card ID", these settings are lost when you exit the import/export function. The same thing happens with imported sales data.
I had been doing these imports daily for 2 years in V19, and once set, the defaults endured, so that whenever I logged into my company file, I didn't need to go through the process again.
It would be great if you considered restoring this capability in future upgrades.
Thanks for taking the time to make this excellent suggestion. It could certainly save time if the import/export assistant defaulted to the settings from the previous import every time it is opened. Anyone who would like to see this, please cast your vote here. Make sure you're signed in and click on the purple vote button at the top left-hand side of the screen. If you post a comment, don’t forget to vote as well!
As the current export to excel function is a bit long winded and there is no easy way to query the database directly from Excel, why doesn't the import/export function allow for saving of default, regualrly used, exports which save user defined fields and save location. After using other ERP's where I can directly query and refresh excel spreadhseets, I find this extremely frustrating when designing custom reports.
I would like to suggest MYOB go one step further and permit the user to save the settings under a unique name. We have several different exports we run regularily. My team could simply select from a list of saved export settings/specifications and enjoy efficiency and more imortantly accuracy in creating the export file. Thanks!
Until this idea is implemented, you could consider using an approved add-on called Transpost (www.transpost.com.au), which allows you to save import/export templates.
I tried Transpost , but found it difficult. We already have a file that works just great with the MYOB import window and clicking the map all button. Be great if MYOB could make the very minor programming change to allow us to change the default import settings, or have it remember the last one used.
I would love to see the ability when exporting data from MYOB & in this case Items, to select all the fields you want to exportin what order, then save it as a template you can easily export again & again later rather than having to select all the fields again in the same order seach time you want to export item data.
Would save SO much time rather than having to setup a mouse macro each time.
It looks like you are having fun and pushing the boundries on the limits of MYOB Invenetory!
As you can see MYOB Inventory is not really designed to handle the complexity of Size / Colour and style. You may want to consider using one of the MYOB Inventory add-ons to help with this.
It looks like you are currently handling this in MYOB with multiple Item codes that build up these elements, if so then I am guessing you are using the various Custom Lists and Custom Fields to capture Size, Colour and Style against each item and so now you are tying to export out your Item list to be able to group your Items together to report sales etc by Style etc?
If you are needing to regularly export and manipulate Item Sales, Item purchases and Inventory reports to be able to report on them, then can I suggest that again some of the MYOB add-ons can help with this type of flexible reporting. As an example using our Business Intelligence solution BI4Cloud you can save Inventory and Item sales reports to re-use over and over and even set them to auto email off.
We utilise and let you report on all of the Item Custom lists and fields together and in summary or detail ( e.g. see weekly or monthly Sales by Style as one row per Style that groups tegether all of the various sizes and colours) or see the example below;
Rows = a Custom List or Field - Item Type - this could be say your Size or Style field
Subtotals or Group by = a Custom List or Field - Brand - this could be your Style
Columns = Sales by Month this could be by Week or Day or even by Store or Customer Type or even Salesperson
Displaying Qty sold but this could be $Sales, GP, Margin or a combination of the above
Reports can be by the MYOB Item number or the Supplier Item code ( using the field from the Item card) so you do not need to keep changin your item number.
If you think this may help all details and a free trial are available on our website Bi4Cloud.com
Not exactly. I export & import our product codes for a few different reasons that dont involve reporting.
It has alot to do with our website, price increased etc. Being able to select an option that allowed me to easily export the same item fields instead of having to manually select them would be much easier.
Please see the below image as an example.
Those fields I have selected are usually in a very specific order to make editing & reimporting much simplier, however each time I need to spend 5-10 minutes selecting them in the correct order which I have taken a photo of for reference so I can remember the order, select them in that order & export the data. Having some kind of way to save this selection & then easily export it again without having to do that each time would be fantasic!
ABSOLUTELY! This would save so much time! It would also be to even have like a saved export preference that for example, exported the items list & the selected fields you usually export.
I would also like to bump this idea! We alos export data quiet regularly in a particular order so it would make our lives so much easier if we could literally just click on a presaved template & it just exports it rather than having to select them in that specific order every time..