pukehou's avatar
Contributing Cover User
9 years ago

Online Emailing: Viewing content/message of ALL Emails sent

It would be great if either

(a) we could see the message content of ALL emails, including statements


(b) we could choose which emails to send directly from AccountRight and which not to send. e.g send Invoices but not Statements.


reason - had a customer balk at comments in a Statement email which was amended just for them, as they were seriously overdue, but we cannot see the message - therefore it would be good to either be able to see it, or choose not to send specified email types (and this choice would inlcude a breakdown of the Sales and Purchase email types e.g send Invoices but maybe not send Quotes).



  • I totally agree that it would be great to view all types of emails, like purchases & the email subject after the email is sent.

  • sanicmoo's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Would be helpful to see the the message in the email when emailing reports to customers. Would also be great if emails to the customer would show somewhere in there card file.

  • It would be good to be able to see the email message sent for quotes, sales and purchases the same as you can with using the View all Activity feature that you can find on Invoices. Unless you receive a reply to the sent email, there is no way to view comments emailed to customers when sending quotes or orders unless it is sent through Outlook which has its own issues of not being able to send to all emails.

  • Jeano's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It would also be good to be able to see payslips as staff see them, so it is easier to discuss any queries or explain content

  • This functionality is essential.  At the moment can only see the email that statements are sent to.  When multiple clients have the same email address, it is impossible to tell which statement was sent.

  • Need to be able to see content of  some Quote emails sent otherwise will have to save the quote as a .pdf  amd email thru MS Outlook to get the audit trail required on some clients for specific correspondence records - which is a very onerous process.

  • ndx's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I only realised today that we cannot view the emails we send out as quotes. This makes absolutely no sense. I need to see what I have told the client about their quote. This functionality is already there for sent invoices, so I feel it could easily be a function for quotes sent as well.

  • I would like to be able to see what was actually sent in case a staff member has used the incorrect template.  Have had incidents where being able to look back and see which type of invoice or which type of quote form was actually selected from our long list.  Sometimes staff select the wrong one and when trouble shooting it would be wonderful to be able to see what was actually received at the customer's end as we used to get a copy in previous myob versions.  Yes I know I can email a copy to myself but why not have the feature as automatic in defaults.  I also have a few different divisions which have their own region on their quotes and again I cannot see if the wrong division's quote form was sent to the customer.  Thank you.

  • Hi mmArborist,


    Thank you for your suggestions. First, we'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the community forum. We hope you find it a valuable resource.


    We understand that this feature will be a great help for you to monitor and be able to keep track of each invoice or statement sent to your customers. We appreciate you posting your suggestions and feedback regarding the system's features and functions. We also think that it would be a great idea to have this feature in future software updates. We'll make sure to pass on your feedback to the relevant team. We also encourage everyone here in the community forum to vote for this idea for our developers' review and consideration.


