Kelly81's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Reports: Show page number screen is on in report window.

The report viewer needs to display:

1) the total number of pages on the viewer itself and

2) if you are not viewing the first page it should tell you what page you are currently viewing.


I know we can add the page number field to the report but it should always display on the viewer.


In this case it told me it was generating pages but not how many pages the report is.


"Display page number on report viewer"

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:

    Thanks for your suggestion Kelly81   The page number will always display in the bottom right hand corner of all pages of reports in AccountRight.

    This is not a field that has to be added, it is always there. If you scroll down to see it while the report is still generating, it will update as it goes, displaying the number of pages already generated and updating when another page is generated.


  • Kelly81's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hello Liam_M,


    You have mis-interpreted my request.


    What i am asking for does not already exist in the product.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    I'm sorry Kelly81 if I've misinterpreted your request. Can you please clarify your request for me, so that we can look into for you. The information that you seem to be asking is already available without any changes being made. If you can please let me know what additional information you'd like displayed we can look into whether or not this can be accommodated.

  • Kelly81's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hello Liam_M,


    I think you aren't aware of the programattic difference between the actual report (the piece of paper) and the report viewer software. As such you may not have any programming language background.


    The features I am asking for do not exist in the report viewer, i.e. the software program that houses the displayed report.


    In my first post I made it clear that I was referring to the report viewer software and NOT the actual report. Yes, the actual report can be made to display the number of pages but the report viewer (different object) should display that information seperately in an always viewable spot.


    If this still doesn't make sense I will modify and repost my screenshots so that it is plain obvious.

  • Status added:

    Hi Kelly81

    Thank you for your clarification in regards to your idea.

    I assume you are referring to something like Microsoft Office's page display for documents. i.e. the Page 1 option when you use the scroll bar on screen or Adobe Reader's page setting at the top of the window i.e. Attachments - Copy (2).PNG

    I would encourage other users that would like to see the option for a page display on the report viewer to vote and comment if required for this idea

  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages