0 records imported without errors. 0 records imported with warnings. 1 records skipped. Summary of errors Error -190: Customer not found. Sale invoice not imported. -190,,,Ayo Ely 100 Noval Ave GREENWICH NSW 2190,Ayo Ely 100 Noval Ave GREENWICH NSW 2190,Ayo Ely 100 Noval Ave GREENWICH NSW 2190,W0000009,1/07/2020,Ayo Ely,P,Ms. Ayo Ely - ELY Ayo 430212435 April 20-April 21 - Access Community, Social And Rec Activities - Standard - Saturday - TTP 2.00000 Hour @ $85.95 on 01/07/2020 09:30 (15647),144,577,171.9000,$0.00,$171.90,1,$0.00,1,I,,837429472,15647,0,14