0 records imported without errors. 0 records imported with warnings. 1 records skipped. Summary of errors Error -190: Customer not found. Sale invoice not imported. -190,,,Luke Abbey 50 Thelma Street LURNEA NSW 2170,Luke Abbey 50 Thelma Street LURNEA NSW 2170,Luke Abbey 50 Thelma Street LURNEA NSW 2170,W0000012,29/07/2020,Luke Abbey,P,Luke Abbey - Luke Abbey - Access Community, Social And Rec Activities - Standard - Saturday - TTP 2.00000 Hour @ $80.75 on 28/07/2020 10:00 (16267),8,4-4034,$161.5,$0.00,$161.5,1,$0.00,1,I,,ABLE,16267,0,14