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Pay Superannuation: Delete or hide reversed paysuper payments

Experienced Cover User




72 Posts
Experienced Cover User

There is currently no way to hide or delete authorised (or approved) PaySuper transactions so ones that need to be amended will still show as partially authorised (if 2 authorisations required)


"PaySuper - delete or hide reversed paysuper payments"

Current Status: Done
Last Changed: March 2021

Hi Everyone

Thank you for showing your support for this idea through the years.

With the release of AccountRight 2021.1, we have introduced the Pay Superannuation status "Reversal Completed". This will alert users that the payment has been reversed and prevent the payment from being completed. For more information on Pay Superannuation statuses please see Help Article: Make superannuation payments.


Once again, thank you for your support and your patience for this long-awaited feature.

9 Posts

Also suggest that unauthorised Super payment be made available to be deleted. If there are sitting their pre-approval and have not been sent, it would be much easier to delete the batch to enable it to be re-done. At this stage it has not been sent anywhere for processing. THx!

4 Posts
Cover User

Obviously users are getting ignored with this request from many years ago.   Can't tell which ones are reversed and which ones are not.  Really complicated way to record when one contribution is received back from the Super Fund.  Pity you cannot just reverse the one contribution for the relevant employee rather than the whole batch.

Contributing Cover User
9 Posts
Contributing Cover User

How about an option to change the description in Memo.

4 Posts

I've come to the conclusion that MYOB actually doesn't know how to fix this issue.  So why are we being hit with 10% price increase (way above CPI) each year when you can't fix something that is a ticking time-bomb and urgently required?


I have a very messy situation due to several Pending Authorisations.  Reconciling EOY also found February paid twice and May not at all!   

I've gone back to using the ATO Clearing House or default fund clearing house for bigger clients, it may take longer but I'm not crippled with anxiety when something rejects.  MYOB PaySuper is too hard to fix and too easy to make a (possibly huge) mistake if a contribution rejects.  I have worked out my own solution to avoid the Pending Auth but ATO is much easier.


What is MYOB's policy on reimbursing clients overpaid super that they cannot get returned???

5 Posts

Would be great to be able to delete or hide pending authorisation that has been reversed.

8 Posts

We have been waiting for years for a substantial response to this issue

This is beeing treated as an additional feature.


If you read through the comments you will realise the potential danger for the accidental ovepayments of large some of money,

is not a feature request, but rather that a bug fix is needed.


MYOB please treat this as an urgent bug fix before someone looses a lot of money

Experienced Partner
125 Posts
Experienced Partner

This suggestion MUST be posted into MYOBs hall of Shame!

We have been asking for this bug to be fixed since 2014

with no clear explanation for why not fixed???

After 5 years on constructive feedback and requests from 400+ partners it seems unbelievable!!!


It would appear that the only way to gain their attention is to log the client losses from overpaid super

and to start a class action to recover these losses from myob


Is this not reasonable given the extraordinary circumstances?


What do you others think/feel?




Ultimate Partner
1,949 Posts
Ultimate Partner

@Geoff_Colwill 100% with you on this one come MYOB!  This in my opinion is the most important function that needs to be fixed in the software and frankly I cannot understand why it is so hard to make the status “reversed” or hide the reversal (like you can hide a bank feed) so users don’t duplicate the payment.  I had one client that overpaid the funds by over $20k!   The time spent trying to get back the overpayments was unnecessary.  The fact that this post is commented on weekly, voted 400 times and been around since 2014 is so frustrating. I am not sure why MYOB can’t understand how important it is to fix this bug.  Fix it please 

2 Posts

Please fix this ASAP!

2 Posts

Please fix ASAP. I would love to either delete or hide transactions that are incorrect.