Forum Discussion

Kimmy12345's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Super Member Numbers



I have another query going at the moment but as I am still waiting for a response both here and on the phone I thought maybe I could try and resolve it by reading other peoples related queries.


My super processing for Feb (payment authorised 28th March) seems to be stuck on the status "processing".


There is obviously an issue somewhere so I just wanted to confirm what the member number should start with for a COLONIAL FIRST CHOICE WHOLESALE Super ACC 26 458 298 557. This is one of those funds that has merged thus the employees Fund ABN had to be changed. The member number did start with 12 previously then the fund advised me to change it to the account number  which starts with 0110 but I am thinking it should be the member number which is what I always had - not the account number.


I am totally lost as to why the super wont process nor is being returned so just clutching at anything that may explain it.

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