Hi Johnnick Further to my email of earlier today, please note the following:- Sales & Invoicing 1) Business name does NOT appear on quotes, when printed, - old support note, no action taken yet 2) When entering a “SHORT PAY” in create invoice payment, the system automatically deducts a discount, so payment for that invoice has to be inputted on its own to leave a balance owing. 3) I understand the reasoning behind the inability to change the customer detail in invoices, when an error is found, however to have to delete said invoice & re-enter with correct customer details is both time consuming & crazy, when a little “twick” would allow one to just change the customer name, thus getting invoices in the correct customer file. 4) When entering invoices & requesting “Save & duplicate” the date returns to the daily date work being done. WHY? It should return to the last date entered to speed up data entry. 5) At the same time as 4) the system returns an invoice number which is the next in line, irrespective that the number may have been already used, it should, in all cases return the next AVAILABLE invoice number, again to speed up data entry. 6) When you are putting a large remittance in & you want to check on something, with one of the invoices,, when you return to the allocation screen all the invoices you ticked have had the ticks removed, thus more work as you re-instate ticks – there should be a message flash that says “do you want to save progression”, as with the reconciliation screen. 7) There is no provision for either the business details on the invoice, neither is there provision for a SITE address that the work is being performed at. In our case we do many different jobs for many Real Estate Agents, who in turn have many property managers, who also in turn, have many different addresses that they manage, - I’m sure you can see our problem. 8) Tried to print out a selection of invoices so help in checking the file, list gave me 25 invoices, tried to print list & was told “limit 2 pages, 1 had 3 invoices on it the other nothing. In the end I highlighted the 25 7 SAVED IT TO MY DESKTOP & PRINTED IT, ridicules you have to allow at least 10 pages – this I believe is comment to all your reports. 9) Any news when we might see an update, re an audit trail on journals so they cannot be inadvertent deleted? I have requested the file “owner” – Affordable Taxation, to upgrade my authorization to that of BOOKKEEPER Administrator so please do not ignore me, because I am not authorized - I am listed as a user, which should be enough to treat my support requests with the attention they are due, I’ve been beta testing software for over 30 years, so have some idea of what’s needed. Please feel free to contact me on 0419 017 821 any time, should you need any clarification, or on the above email address. Please let the phone ring on as it eventually transfers to another phone – thank you Kind Regards Patrick Gowman