Forum Discussion

ShieldBooks's avatar
2 years ago

PAYROLL Update Event

The payrun lodgement for STP is set to DEFAULT to lodge a Pay Event Update

rather than lodge the STP file if the lodgement date is a day over the payment date.


I and probably a lot of other BAS Agents have extensions to lodge ( I have up to 3 days)


This system is defaulting to it being an Update Event  when it is an STP first time lodgement.

When this happens there is NO availability in the sytem to relodge that file or lodge it as a first time STP lodgement.


I can change this default each time I lodge but invariably I miss the thing and lodge it.


The ATO with the prefill are now filling in the W1 and W2 and this time around I got issued a warning because I had NOT lodged STP correctly.


This is just awful to be frank.  This Default option needs to be turned OFF!!! so that the user has to choose BEFORE lodging

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ShieldBooks

    Thank you so much for your post and for the detailed information.

    I appreciate your feedback and understand the frustration you're experiencing with the default setting for payrun lodgement in STP (Single Touch Payroll) in your system. It seems that the default setting of automatically choosing "Pay Event Update" rather than "STP file" for lodgement is causing issues, especially for those with extensions to lodge. Currently, the default setting cannot be turned off or deactivated. When the date exceeds the current date, it will consistently record as an update event in your record. 

    Feel free to post again if you have further queries and one of us will be happy to help. 