Forum Discussion

Carmen5's avatar
4 months ago

Quotes and Invoices

I'm over it MYOB!!!! I have to change the Invoice and Quote numbers manually. Lost all my notes that were on the original system, which was a hell alot better than the new. If not sorted out by the end of this month, I will chanse to another system.


Frustrated customer.

1 Reply

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Carmen5


    Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    I can see where your sentiment about this is coming from. The need to change the numbers while recording transactions and shifting from invoice to quote requires extra effort. Although I'm unable to provide you with a time frame, I can assure you that this feature is currently worked on and prioritize by the development team. 


    We appreciate your understanding and patience. In the meantime, don't hesitate on creating a new thread if you any other assistance. 

