Same pay item but different rate for each employee.
Hi. I am about to move our business from MYOB Business to AccountRight so we only in the planning stage. We have under 10 casual employees and, for reporting purposes, have around 25 pay items for different tasks that they may perform over a month. Each employee has individually negotiated hourly pay rates. For eg: "Bill" has an hourly rate of $65/hr and "Ted" is $55/hr.
My question is, rather than setting up 25 pay items x 10 employees, eg: Task1-Bill and Task1-Ted, are we able to create a pay item, eg: Task1, and when assigning that item to the employee in their employee- payroll details- salary and wages, set their individual rate for that item, so that when doing a pay run it automatically uses that rate? Currently if I use the same pay item for each employee, I have to go in each time and change the rate for each employee each pay run?
Hi BWA1,
Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community Forum.
I understand that minimizing the number of pay items used can make the information much more organized. You can use one pay item for all the employees if the pay rate for each task is a percentage of their base hourly rate. If it is a fixed rate and a different pay rate for each employee, then it would be a separate pay item for each employee.
Let us know if you require further clarification or assistance regarding this. We're happy to help.