Forum Discussion

KristyH's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Unfinalised STP

One of our clients have received an email from the ATO about Unfinalised STP reports had not been received.


I have looked in the MYOB and the finalisation reporting has been completed and each employee has a tick next to their name..


Ths was completed before we rolled the new financial year - is there anyway this can be fixed and reported properly to the ATO?


Thanks :)

  • Hi KristyH 


    If the ATO have not received notification that EOPY has been finalised you can try undoing the finalisation then redo it. This should push the finalisation through to the ATO.

    This link will help with undoing a finalisation - EOFY with STP


    Before doing that though I would recommend a phone call to the ATO to confirm the information in the email is correct and which employees are affected.  My thoughts are that employees usually lodge their tax returns asap and your client would have heard from one of them if there was an issue with their Income Statements.


    Let me know how you go



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  • Hi KristyH 


    If the ATO have not received notification that EOPY has been finalised you can try undoing the finalisation then redo it. This should push the finalisation through to the ATO.

    This link will help with undoing a finalisation - EOFY with STP


    Before doing that though I would recommend a phone call to the ATO to confirm the information in the email is correct and which employees are affected.  My thoughts are that employees usually lodge their tax returns asap and your client would have heard from one of them if there was an issue with their Income Statements.


    Let me know how you go



    • KristyH's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you for your reply - i can see that my previosu reports were rejected.


      I have undone the finalisation and am now getting the below errors


      • Your nomination with the online (cloud) software provider does not contain the correct Software ID. (ATO error code: SBR.GEN.AUTH.008)