BFEmma's avatar
Experienced Cover User
28 days ago

Option to always have account number showing

Hi there


Is there any way we can include or exclude account numbers for reports like the balance sheet or profit and loss? Or an option in set-up where we can tick "always include account number"?


Currently I go into "Insert/Modify - Show/Hide" but is this the only way I can do it? it seems long-winded when I have to do it on every report....


Thank you!


  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi BFEmma 

    Once you have customised a report a particulr way - you can click "save as" and save the formatting into a customised report - then found in the My Reports tab.

  • BFEmma's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi jenniek

    Thanks so much for that....I can't believe I never thought to do this 🤦‍♀️ so easy!