Dionne's avatar
Cover User
9 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Use Inactive items

we have just transferred from premier to the online version of myob.  previously we could 'overtype' any inactive inventory items into a sale.  now, with the newer version, we need to tick to make it active prior to being able to enter the sale.  


i would like to see it changed back to how it was!


'inactive inventory items"



  • Status removed:

    Hi Dionne

    Thank you for feedback in regards to AccountRight and entering items on invoices

    Are you able to clarify your idea a little further. Is the basic premise of your idea the fact that you would like to enter inactive items on an invoice or is it the fact that you have to close the Sales window to active that item to select it on the invoice?

  • we just want to enter inactive items onto an invoice

  • Status added:

    Hi Dionne


    Thank you for the clarification of your idea.

    When you enter an item in AccountRight 2015 to add onto an invoice or purchase you do need to make sure that the item is active. This is due to the fact that with items you select them from the Item list. Previous versions allowed for you to type in an inactive item's name onto the transaction without the selection from the list. 

    I would encourage other users that would like the ability to select an inactive item onto a sales or purchase to vote and comment if required for this idea