Donna-MV's avatar
12 years ago

Setup: Delete or Reverse option

Currently, transactions can only be reversed when the Preferences are set to "Transactions CAN'T be changed".  I would like to have the option to delete OR reverse in the Edit drop down list so that I don't have to continually change my preferences.



"Reverse Transactions Option"



  • denisechev's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    This would be good for me. I currently each month reverse various provisions  and General journal entries  then enter the new ones.  It would be good to always have the option to either reverse or delete without having to go to changing preferences

  • Hi Tanya_Spence


    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and reversing/deleting transactions

    As per ASWatCR's comment, I have merged your idea with this one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

  • Talia_MacqCon's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    What drives your decision to use one option vs the other?


    If it's due to a typo I want to be able to go in and change it. But as mentioned above there are situations when the transcation you want to change is, for example, in a locked period, or the transaction has genuinely changed such as an amended invoice but you don't want to delete the original.


    It would be really handy to have both "Delete" and "Reverse" options in the dropdown, then limit to "Reverse" if the setting is ticked in preferences.

  • Trav9999's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    I agree with this suggestion.


    The work around at the moment...

    Setup, Preferences, Security

    Tick the "must be reversed option"


    Close the bill/invoice thats open.

    Reopen the bill thats open.

    Do the reversal.

    Go back into Setup, Preferences, Security

    Untick the "must be reversed option"


    Why cant this be an option under the Edit Menu?!