H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Payroll Reporting (STP): Child Support reporting

I read on a few other posts that MYOB has chosen not to include Child Support Declarations through STP Phase 2 since the ATO have said it's only optional. From a customer point of view, it would be great to eliminate another step in payroll processing, especially since MYOB is already making so many changes to accommodate STP phase 2. I find it difficult to imagine that it would have been any harder to include this than any of the other changes.


Similarly, if a child support category could be set up to only calculate once net pay reaches a certain amount (similar to super guarantee not calculating until $450 wages earned, but at a rate set per employee - or I'd just set up a new category for each affected employee with their specific protected earnings amount), that would be good too.


"Support for Child Support Reporting"

1 Comment

  • MichelleS_ECO's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I don't understand why MYOB has determined that this is an optional STP reporting requirement given, as H-TS points out, it wouldn't be a step too far for the software programers. As a practical example for MYOB to reconsider it's choice....

    We where recently contacted by the Child Care Suppot Agency to ask us why our STP report does not reconcile with the amount they have recieved from us. Therefore if we are getting such enquiries from this agency then obviously the STP data is being shared with them so why not enable this deduction to be reported via the software and save us the extra step to report to such ageny's as per the extract from the ATO below:

    "....If you choose to include child support deduction or child support garnishee amounts, you may no longer need to provide separate reporting directly to the Child Support Registrar, via your previously preferred reporting channel...." The rules of reporting through STP | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)

    Other payroll plaforms are not treating Child Support reporting as an optional extra, why should MYOB?