Forum Discussion

maurafrankline's avatar
10 months ago

Trouble settings up MyOB on GO App

Hello Forum Members,


I hope this message finds you all in good health. I'm reaching out to seek some assistance with setting up MyOB on the GO app. I've encountered a few hurdles and could really use some guidance from the community.

Specifically, I'm experiencing the following issues:


Authentication Errors: I'm encountering difficulties when trying to log in or authenticate my MyOB account through the GO app. Has anyone else faced similar challenges and found a solution?

Configuration Steps: Are there any specific steps or considerations I should be aware of when setting up MyOB on the GO app? I want to ensure I'm not missing any crucial details.

Compatibility: Could this issue be related to the device I'm using? Are there any known compatibility issues between certain devices and the GO app?


Your expertise and advice on this matter would be of immense help to me. I'm eager to get MyOB up and

running smoothly through the GO app.


Thank you in advance for your time and insights!

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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi maurafrankline,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum! 

    My apologies for the late response. When you say they are encountering the login and password is incorrect at what point in the process is that? The reason for this is that when you log into an online company file and the MYOB Invoices app you have two login points. 

    The AccountRight login is required this would be your email address and password. This determines what online files you can see and have access to. With the MYOB Invoices app, this is typically entered only the once when setting up, after that you would be using a designated passcode. The company file username and password. This determines what features and functions you have access to in the company file i.e. whether you can access sales or reports or banking... These are set up by the Administrator user of the company file via Setup>>User Access. 

    I would suggest having the Administrator user log into the company file and navigate to Setup>>User Access. On the left-hand side, you will find the user's user ID, and in the password option, a user can reset it if necessary. This user ID and password will be the credentials the user needs to enter when using the MYOB Invoices app. If the user doesn't have a user ID listed, one can be created by selecting the + New option and then assigning them a role.

    Please do let me know how you go on this.