Luke303's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Bank transactions: Ability to update the description when allocating

I am a Chartered Accountant and have a number of clients using MYOB Essentails.  


We find it very frustrating that when clients have allocated transactions to general ledger codes directly in the bank transactions screen that they do not change the description when doing this.  The description field therefore remains as whatever appeared on the bank statement.


Even if the client added a note to the transaction, while helpful this is still not the best outcome as the note field is not exported when sending the information to our general ledger system.


In attempting to do this ourselves we can see that it is actually impossible to change the description while in the bank transactions screen.  The only way to change it appears to be after the transaction has been allocated it must be found again and then edited at that point.


We don't understand why this is not possible to do at the same time as allocating the transaction.  


MYOB competitors products actually force a person to enter an appropriate description before the transaction is entered but with Essentials they can code them willy nilly, and all we might see is a cheque number.




"MYOB Essentials - Change description field in coding screen"


  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your great suggestion. I can certainly see how chaning the description for transactions when allocating bank feeds could make things easier in some cases. Anyone else who'd like to be able to change descriptions when allocating bank feeds, please cast your vote here. Make sure you're signed in and click on the purple vote button at the top left-hand side of the screen. If you post a comment, don’t forget to vote as well!

  • Laura-K's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Luke - I also find this incredibly frustrating! Especially for a particular client that uses cheques often so there is no way to know what this transaction is for based on the reports.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    Bank Transactions descriptions can be edited by hovering over the Bank statement description for that transaction and using the pencil icon to update that description.