cleanoptions's avatar
Experienced User
11 months ago

Create a Bill - Data Entry

when entering an item code that has been set up, keep the cursor on that line so you can tab across to enter a number more than 1 - not all entries are for 1x item - continue to tab so the job name can be entered.


this is very frustrating not to be able to tab across the line and enter all information

1 Comment

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum.


    We appreciate you notifying us about your concern. Thank you for your helpful suggestion to keep the cursor on the line of an item code, where you can tab across to enter all information. We apologize for any frustration you have experienced due to the absence of this feature, and we are thankful for your time and understanding on this matter. Please be assured that we will pass along your ideas/feedback to the relevant team. 
    Feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 