timo111's avatar
Experienced User
10 years ago

Import and export data: Items - updating existing records

Having a go at the import/export data for the first time and thought it was odd that there was no Buying Price field when there is a Tax Code When Bought field.
Also thought it would be a good idea to include a checkbox to enable overwrite existing items


"Import/export data - add Buying Price field & overwrite function"


  • myecs's avatar
    Contributing User

    Please implement a facility to bulk update items in MYOB Essentials using the import function. I have a problem with items not being available from the drop-down list in the Expenses>New screen when adding a new expense. This is because they have been imported with a Buy Price (something missing from the sample file for imports by the way). An option to handle duplicates within the import process (and allow replace/reject) is a pretty standard requirement I believe and should be available if MYOB Essentials wants to be treated as a serious business tool.

    • myecs's avatar
      Contributing User

      Sorry - typo in my original post should read 


      This is because they have been imported WITHOUT a Buy Price (something missing from the sample file for imports by the way).



    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:
      Hi @Myces Thanks for the feedback in regards to MYOB Essentials and the ability to update an item via importing. I encourage other users to vote and comment on this idea if they would like to see the feature included in future releases. A current workaround would be to deleting the item or making it inactive and then import that item again or manually change the items.
    • yes, I have really do need the buy price an buy unit option for this to funtion well for my business, have spent several hours attempting to correct existing expence items only to realise that it is pointless without the buy price field in the import templates.



  • shoretee's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    has this been updated?  I've tried importing and it still doesn't do the buy price