rowIT's avatar
10 years ago

In tray: MYOB Subscription invoice delivered direct

An option to have a copy of MYOB's monthly invoice for its services delivered to the "In Tray" would be helpful.


It would save having to download the invoice from a mail server then upload it to the "In tray" to use to generate an expense relating to MYOB's services.


"Send copy of MYOB's invoice to In Tray"


  • DustyRd's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Tiny thing but saves 30 secoinds a month. How about MYOB (having an option) to automatically add MYOB subscripton invoices into my Essentials acct InTray?

  • Status changed:

    Hi rowIT 

    Thank you for your idea in regards to the new In Tray and Essentials.

    Currently MYOB still send out invoices for subscription payments rather than allowing the option to have them uploaded to your Essential's In Tray.  

    I would encourage other users that would like to see this idea included in future releases to vote and comment if required

  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    Hi Steven,


    You would need to change the format of your invoices to do this because when I receive my invoice from MYOB and then drop it in the In Tray, the OCR routine is unable to recognise anything about an MYOB invoice.




  • Hi there AlanT,


    Thanks for the feedback.


    Please do note that we are looking to improve the OCR technology in In Tray overtime as updates are continuously released, and do hope that it will get better at recognizing important information across a variety of invoices. Assuming we do look into MYOB invoices automatically being available in In Tray, we are positive that our developers will look into this further.




  • K_C's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It only makes sense that MYOB sets up 'MYOB to MYOB' so we can see how useful it is. 

  • litoria's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This is a no-brainer. MYOB comes up with a time-saving idea, then has difficulty implementing it in their own business. I have just rung the Help line and was told that I was the first person to have ever made this request by phone! (I rang before I consulted the Forum). After a significant wait, they managed to enter that horrific MYOB email address to the In Tray into the system for the receipt of invoices while leaving the admin@... address for general correspondence. I now have to wait until next month's invoice is sent to see whether the invoice drops into the In Tray or whether it gets lost in the ether!

  • LisaL's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Why isn't there an option for MYOB to send subscription invoices to the "in-tray".  We can easily link to other suppliers so that their invoices land in our "in-tray" - surely MYOB could do the same for their invoices?

  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Having the ability for users of MYOB software to nominate a separate email address for their invoices to be sent to is obviously much too difficult a task to implement as this was originally suggested in March 2015 (almost 8 years ago).


    And anyway, it would just make our work flow way too smooth.





  • Yes I would like to see MYOB invoice go direct to the In Tray as well
  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ALL,

    Thank you for your suggestion, and I apologize for the delayed response. We take your input seriously and have forwarded it to the relevant team. Hopefully, they will consider incorporating it into our future updates. In the meantime, feel free to post again if you have further queries, and one of us will be happy to assist you.
