colleenWatson's avatar
10 months ago

Incorrect allocation of payments

When a receipt from a customer has been allocated to the incorrect invoice, you find out months later that this has been done. Especially when your clients have a lot of invoices with the same amount. All reconciliations have been completed, and dates have been locked.


I can do this procedure in another accounting package that I use, and it is so useful.


I click to highlight the payment and then select UNALLOCTE PAYMENT. This creates a credit and shows the original invoice as outstanding.

Allocate credit to correct invoice no.

Before you can save anything, you must enter a message as to why you are raising/unallocating payment.


this would be great for all MYOB packages.

1 Comment

  • Hi colleenWatson


    Thank you for posting your concern. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your issue with allocated transactions. This issue will be duly noted and raised to the appropriate team. Generally, the application automatically matches the bank feeds to transactions in the file that have the same date and amount. If you have multiple transactions that have the same content, I would suggest turning off the automatic matching so you can match the transactions manually. 


    Also, I would suggest reading this article Matching bank transactions. This will give you more information about how allocating works in the application. 


    Let us know if you need any other assistance. 


