JC48's avatar
4 years ago

Items: Cost of sales account selection for Selling details

Only have the option for Commission Items to allocate to an income account. I need to allocate mine to Cost of Goods sold account. I can do it manually for each invoice - but should be able to have it set up automatically.


Need to be able to look up an expense/income account individually to see transactions (rather than just the overall total).

Also would be great to be able to save receive money templates that have a mix of accounts (like in accountright). 


Also to have the tab button take the cursor across the line.


Lastly to be able to do a sum/multiplication in the monetary cell.


I have been using account right for 6 years, and finding using Essentials very limited.

"Commission on Sales"

1 Comment

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    MYOB Essentials allows users to select which ever account they wish to use for Items this does include cost of sale accounts for Selling details.