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Ultimate Partner
11 years ago

Bank Feeds: Search/Find invoice numbers easily in the Bank Feed Screen

Loving the Control, Shift F function in AccountRight Live - Wow what a great feature MYOB.


Would be great to have the same function work in the BANK FEED screen.   I have a client that sends out hundreds of subscriptions orders for the same amount and the subscribers businesses have very similar names.   The subscribers pay detailing their order number (invoice number) on the payments.  


I have been using the Control, Shift F Function through the sales register to locate the order number easily and apply the payment to the correct subscriber however I have to go between the two screens.    It would be great if MYOB could incorporate the sales/purchase register into the Bank Feeds screen, with the ability for the screen to stay displayed on the page.   Perhaps sitting to the right hand side of the Bank Feed screen.   Having the ability to close down the  the sales/purchase register screen if you dont want it displayed.