IanB2013's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Forms: Receipt - Add Job column

I require to printed receipts for clients but find I cannot include any information regarding teh specific job or client reference (not order number) on teh printed receipt.  Currently the only way to show a receipt is for a particular job is to hand write the information of the printed receipt issued to clients; a very time inefficent way of doing business.


Most of the information I will to include on the receipt is already listed in the Job Number system on MYOB but is not available for customisation of receipts.


Can either additional fields be added, or can access to existing fields b given to both the Invoice/quote customisation and the receipt customisation options so all relevant information can be printed on both types of documents.


"Information  Printed on Receipts"


  • Hi Ian, 

    Receipts only show the invoice number and amount, the same way a statement does. 

    If you want to show the Job Number, it has to be produced on the invoice, not the receipt. 


    Perhaps you could customise a form - and reprint an invoice so that it looks like a receipt, and just show the Customer Details, job name, Paid Today amount and Invoice number, none of the details area. 

  • Status changed:
    Thank you for your feedback. Kerrie_smith's suggestion is a great way to do this in the current system. To look into adding exactly what you want into the current program it would be great to see the demand for this from the rest of the community as well.