Poppybob's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Payroll: Pay Employee - Categories to show alphabetically

The list of Payroll Categories in payroll processing is listed alphabetically. This results in infrequently used categories appearing higher in the list when processing payroll.

Is it possible to allow users to modify the order of the categories in their payroll area, most likely as a template. 


"Payroll Category List" 

1 Comment

  • Growers's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I don't believe it is at this stage but I have a few suggestions:


    For irregular payroll categories, we simply add ZZ to the front of the category so that they appear at the bottom.


    Also to reduce the amount of payroll categories that appear for each employee, simply untick any categories that don't apply to them in their card file / employment section.


    Be aware that some categories can't be removed if they have ever been used for that employee previously.


    Hope this helps.

