JanN's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

Payroll Reporting (STP): Ability to delete pay events from Payroll Reporting Centre

"Allow to delete an STP entry at the ATO."


  • JojoArrow's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    When an error has been made doing payroll it is still recorded in the Payroll reporting centre even though you have deleted it out of Payroll. 


    It would be great if I had the ability to remove / delete it from the Payroll reporting centre also. 

    • KWRIGHT66's avatar

      I seen sometime ago, that back in 2018 they said that they were working on it. Are we any closer to finding a solution to this problem?

    • sanicmoo's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      I have had the same problem and would like to be notified once there is a solution to this issue. 

    • Huddo1's avatar

      I am currently having the same problem - would love to know.

  • Need MYOB to allow deletion of payroll entries on the ATO reporting page. If you happen to make an error in processing a pay, you can delete it from MYOB payroll itself but not the ATO reporting centre if it has not been sent to ATO. 

  • JanN's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    The ATO do not allow deletion of an STP entry and say that the software provider must provide this. MYOB does not!

  • bungy15's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi JanN 


    I don’t believe the ATO allow you to delete an STP entry at all. You have to correct any mistakes by an Update Event. And while MYOB does not have an update event function yet you can still create one. Xero does not allow deletion of STP entries either. 




  • In the Payroll Reporting Centre any file with Status "Not Sent" will stay there even if you're no longer planning to send it. We should be able to delete any file that we are no longer planning to send.

  • I would like to have the option to delete / remove an unsent wage report if I have not yet sent it to the ATO in Single Touc Payroll.